How to do Breast Exams?

What is breast self-awareness?
Breast self-awareness focuses on having a sense of what is normal for your breasts so that you can tell if there are changes—even small changes—and report them to your ob-gyn or other health care professional.
Why is breast self-awareness important?
Breast cancer often is found by a woman herself. This happens in almost one half of all cases of breast cancer in women aged 50 years and older. In women younger than 50 years, more than 70% of cases of breast cancer are found by the women themselves.
How can I talk with my doctor about mammography and breast health?
If you are aged 40 years or older, you can start the conversation with these questions:
What are my chances of having breast cancer?
When should I start getting regular mammograms?
How often should I get them?
You can ask more specific questions based on your age. If you are aged 40–49 years:
What are the pros and cons of getting mammograms before I turn 50?
If you are aged 50–75 years:
What are the pros and cons of getting mammograms every 2 years instead of every year?
If you are older than 75 years:
Do I need to keep having mammograms?
You and your ob-gyn or other health care professional should share information, talk about your wishes, and agree on when and how often you will have breast screening. See more on mammography here.