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Trying to Conceive

While trying to conceive, you can use natural planning methods such as the ovulation method (have intercourse just before or after ovulation) or the symptothermal method (evaluating fertility based on your daily temperature). Remember: women are more likely to become pregnant if intercourse takes place just before or just after ovulation. This is because the unfertilized egg can live for only 12-24 hours in your body. 

Preparing for Pregnancy

If you've been trying for a few months with no results, don’t get discouraged. Only 20% of women trying to get pregnant are successful on the first attempt. So don’t lose hope or assume something is wrong.

How do you figure out when you’re fertile and when you’re not? Wondering if you or your partner is infertile? Read the info below to boost your chances of conception and get help for fertility problems. 

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